The ranches we visited in the last 10 years are gone. You could feel the housing developments closing in on them. Claireville Ranch is set in a conservation area so I have great hope for its longevity. It has room to breath. Its one-hour trail rides guide you through woods and fields, and along a glittering river. We were almost flown into by a bird and we admired two blue herons taking off from a turn in the stream. Kids must be 10 years old and most importantly, have a 27-inch minimum length of inseam (measure them from the crotch to the ground). Closed shoes are a must. Parents can lead their kids on a pony in an enclosed area in the field, if they are too small or scared by the big horses. I recommend you come earlier to give your name and reserve a time slot. It will leave you time to have lunch in Brampton (just keep going west on Road 7, it becomes Queen Street, lined with the usual restaurant chains). We did not reserve so we had to wait 45 minutes for our ride.