Black Creek Pioneer Village is a fascinating replica of a cluster of some 35 houses and businesses from the 1860's. You can enter anywhere without bothering to knock! I found it captivating to watch my young explorer open doors by himself and discover new territories. Here, the blacksmith hammers hot red iron; there, a weaver hums as she works. Elsewhere, a homemaker in her long dress bustles about in front of her ovens, while the harness maker handcrafts leather articles next door. Many rooms can't be entered within the houses but there usually is a section where you may roam freely. Younger kids might not appreciate the silent craft of a woodworker making a barrel, but they might enjoy watching the shoemaker or the broom-maker at work. (In 2009, they added a working brewery!) There are farm animals in various parts of the site. You can download the Country Kids’ Trail from their website, underlining 10 stops with activities.