Anytime Fort York organizes a special event including children's drills, is the perfect time to visit this historic attraction. Little soldiers learn how to hold wooden rifles, to walk in step, to present arms and to "fire" at the order of a lenient officer. Giggles are guaranteed. Bring out your camera! I was really surprised the first time I visited the place as I had passed by for years without noticing it. Nestled between buildings and highways, Fort York is in fact one of Toronto's best kept secrets. It really comes to life in July and August with its daily historic military demonstrations of music, drill and artillery, all performed by costumed employees. You're also treated to an historic tasting in the kitchens and you can explore the basement of the Officer's Brick Barracks, built in 1815. The Centre Block House is a military museum full of arms and uniforms from different times. The site has hosted battle re-enactments in the past. This kind of event is spectacular and Fort York has the perfect setting to make it quite an experience.