The yellow Swiss cheese slice covering the inside wall in the four-storey atrium certainly got our attention! It went perfectly with the two-storey moon-like projection on the round screen. A giant kaleidoscope was throwing its ever-moving light on it, while enlarged shadows of kids danced on the screen. My companions could not go through the admission gate fast enough. Another hit is the enclosed and carpeted area TotSpot in a corner of the vast floor. Meant for toddlers and babies, the cocoon-like room is mesmerizing for anyone, with bubbling water tubes lit in the dark and a ceiling covered with wavy mesh. The second level focuses on mechanics and hydraulics. We loved the Construction Alley with its sails of stretch-fabric panels we could hook on poles to create labyrinths. The two-sided pin walls next to it were a blast. There's also a 4-metre water table with a stream and sections to create circuits for little boats. On the third floor, among other things, there was an infrared pod with a screen to register our body heat and seats to experience a space launch. The highlight of this floor was the opportunity to lay on a bed of nails! The fourth floor always features interactive travelling exhibitions.