This was one of a kind! What a fabulous project for kids with their Big Brothers and Big Sisters to undertake and for us to watch! The event apparently has run its time and was cancelled as of 2010. Here’s a description of my experience, in case they resume this activity or if you ever have the chance to see a soap box derby. When we attended, feverishly, Big and Little Brothers and Sisters added the finishing touches to their creations. Each in their own way, the kids were so proud; it was pure pleasure to read the emotion on their faces. Two by two, the young racers got ready for the signal. The small crowd at the bottom of the hill was already cheering. Many cars were pretty basic, built out of wood, screws and metal wires from a pre-made kit. Some were covered with silvery metal or aerodynamically-shaped fibreglass. Others had flames painted on their sides. We laughed out loud as we read "Eat my dust" on one Little Brother's bumper!